Is the mortality after vaccination in Norway a concern?

Tuan Nguyen
2 min readJan 19, 2021

Norwegian health authority reported that 33 people had died after receiving the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine [1]. The news has generated concern and even fear among the general community. However, my evaluation suggests that the fear is not founded.

It is hard to make sense out of the 33 deaths without knowing the number of vaccinated people. According to The Age, Norway has vaccinated approximately 42,000 elderly people, mostly in nursing homes. Thus, the one-week risk of mortality is 0.078%.

Is the 0.078% risk too high? No. In a study published in PLoS ONE, the investigators followed 690 Norwegian nursing home residents for 3 years, and they found that the risk of mortality during the first 6 months was 17% [2]. This translates into a risk of 0.65% per week, 8-fold greater than the risk of vaccine-associated mortality.

One way to appreciate the risk of mortality is to apply the concept of ‘micromort’ [3]. A micromort is defined as one in a million chance of death. So, if an intervention that results in 10 deaths per 1 million population per year, then the micromort for the intervention is 10. We can compare the micromort among vaccinated people and the general population.

According to the newspapers, most (75%) of those who died aged 80 years and older. The Norwegian population lifetable shows that the 1-year probability of mortality among people aged 80 years is 38.917% [4], or 1066 micromorts.



Tuan Nguyen

osteoporosis | epidemiology | genetics | biostatistics | data enthusiast